Hey GOP you want to reach out to women…How’s that going for you?

The Republican party has been talking a lot aboutre-branding themselvesthat they have just done a poor job explaining what they believe. One of the their favorite things to repeatedly insist is their has never been “A War on Women” that it’s all a liberal boogeyman set up to scare women. So since their self proclaimed out reach to Women & minorities began after losing the election, I thought it was time to see how far they’ve gotten with women. All of the following will have source links so you can read the quotes for yourself, if you doubt me.

Lets jump right in Women’s bodies (other wise known as healthcare & reproductive rights)

1) Republican leaders do not believe insurance should cover birth control. Some Like John Boehner & Mitt Romney believe a womans employer should be allowed refuse to provide insurance coverage of birth control (which is not free birth control as GOP likes to claim since women PAY for their insurance just like men do) Many like Rick Santorum don’t believe women should take birth control at all. Folks I really thought this idea that women, married or single, do not have the right to decide when to have or how many children they have, died in the 70’s, except for among  a  few fanatics & the Vatican. Don’t kid yourself making birth control unaffordable is a way to deny women this right.

2) Since you can afford your birth control Uh oh your pregnant, So sorry The great majority of GOP lawmakers DO NOT want you to be able to have an abortion. Beyond the attempts to over turn roe Many states, like North DakotaTexas, Virginia & Arizona & many other GOP controlled legislatures have pass such restrictive ( not to much humiliating) regulations & then cutting funding that women’s clinics have closed in droves. Of course Texas is quietly trying to refund the programs, since they cut $73 million from the programs new  projections are that in 2014 an extra 24,000 unplanned pregnancies will cost the state $273 Million.

3) So now you have a baby,.You didn’t get use the evil birth control, you didn’t have an abortion, you are single working mom. So The GOP is so proud of you right? RIGHT?….This is a quote from the CPAC , a conference attended  by Boehner, Santorum, Romney, Rubio, Jindal, all the GOP heavy weights. This.speaker was leading a group discussion. It’s a quoted from an article By Adele M. Stan

Charles Butler : Single-parent households the fault of women with an agenda “on the booty call.” At a breakout session titled Fatherless America: The Headwaters of Poverty, Crime & Social Dysfunction,” Butler laid the problem of single-parent families squarely at the feet of women, who, he suggested, are essentially tricking men into have children they don’t want (because apparently most men have never heard of condoms):

I’ve had two instances that were very close to me where this fatherless thing comes into play. Michael Jordan is a personal friend of mine — Michael Jordan the basketball player, and a woman just filed a paternity suit against him for supposedly having this child out of wedlock. You have to understand that this woman that he had this child with, supposedly, was a sex instructor, so she clearly knew how babies got here. But she chose to have a baby because of money: Michael Jordan’s a multimillionaire. How many of you remember the slide on Sports Illustrated with a picture of a little baby and the caption, “Where’s my daddy?”

“Well, these women chose to have babies on their own on the booty call. I just hate to break it down like that, but that’s exactly what happened. There was not two words mentioned: “love” or “marry.” Now, believe me, black men know how to ask someone to marry them…I’ve seen too many times when they’ve either been forced into marrying a woman they didn’t want to marry, or being an absentee father.”

So conservatives now say that as a single mom you are not only are you a conniving slut trying to trick some poor unsuspecting man into marrying you or paying child support, but you, woman, are responsible for Poverty, Crime & Social dysfunction,. All because when they prevented you from having access to birth control, you had to go out & have sex anyway….slut! Oh & god knows that poor man you seduced is now forced to be an absentee father…… I AM SORRY BUT WHAT KIND OF HUGE PILE OF BULLSHIT IS THIS?

4) The fact that it gets worse is almost beyond belief, that many of these  for lack of a better word “people” think that if you or your teenage daughter get rape ( & you better just hope it’s not by talented high school football players), you should be forced to have your rapists baby. Again being a single mom means your responsible for poverty, crime, blah blah blah….

Oh interesting bit of trivia If you are strong enough to raise this child, 31 states in this country give your rapist the right to sue for visitation or custody of their rape baby. Just in case you hadn’t been through enough already….. I thought I was actually going to be sick when I read this.

5) The fact that women are disproportionately affected by the extreme cuts the GOP wants to make. Those Planned parenthood clinics they closed, who provided free Cancer & health screenings for women as well as birth control with government money  Gov. funding was used for abortions),leaving many women’s health in serious danger.

6) The constant obstructions of  Equal pay measures & the Violence Against Women Act.

All of these things are going on since the election, while they talk of reaching out to women. Actually it seems to have actually gotten worse almost as if it’s spite that the majority of women didn’t support them, or maybe it’s waving a white flag  knowing they are going to continue to lose & a desperation play in do as much damage as possible while they can.. I really don’t know what they are thinking. What I do know is that if they think most of the women in this country are stupid enough to believe when they say one thing , while doing the exact opposite(sorry guys that only works on your wives)., they are going to continue to lose & lose huge..

Some mini reviews (The Following, Zero Hour, Monday mornings) & other stray thoughts

First let me apologize for our lack of articles recently & thank you for the kind enquiries checking up on us. When we started this blog we knew there would be lulls, as we all have full time & sometimes multiple jobs, we are hoping we have finished with big lulls for a while. We do this blog because all three of us are interested  sharing our favorite things & in writing, Which is an area we need improvement, but the only way I found to get better is to just keep on writing & accepting feedback( So Please give it). so first article back is about what has been the most viewed subject TV( We said we wanted to write what you wanted to read about)

The midseason  shows start a few weeks back but as  we prefer to give a new show a few weeks to develop, so our timing isn’t too off although at least one show we’re going to talk about has already been cancelled.

That would be ABC’s Zero Hour. Of all the winter premieres this is one of the few that seemed appealing from the commercials, it didn’t live up to my expectations. I do wish it could have gotten a chance to see if could improve  (Hawaii Five O certainly took huge steps after it’s first season) because I love the idea  a Da Vinci Code type of conspiracy & hunt for clues that kinda stuff’s right up my alley. I also really liked the cast, Anthony Edwards of course is always a favorite & I was looking forward to Scott Michael Foster, who I first saw when my kid was watching soapy ABC Family show Greek. Which quite against my intentions, I found myself paying attention to & some times laughing out loud at, Foster was the main reason.  The 3 episodes I saw just never seemed to have any rhythm or flow & the supporting cast were severely underused, after 3 shows I couldn’t even really tell you what their involvement in the story was. After Abysmal ratings ABC has already pulled Zero Hour from their lineup.

The Following on Fox was the second show I was interested in before it aired for one it had Kevin Bacon in it reason enough to give just about any show a try, but while a show about a serial killer is something that would have piqued my interest in the past( I know that didn’t sound right but as one time Psych student, anything about the of workings of cults or serial killers used to fascinate) However  I am not in a place right now where I was overly excited about another show with dark subject matter. But the ads pulled me in enough to give it a chance & one  was enough. I was hooked properly. I like the shows pacing, it is intense. Characters are interesting & you care about them almost at once even though Bacon’s Character Hardy is not the most lovable. It’s almost always true that we care  more for seriously flawed characters than straight up heroes, & the bad guy is amazing

Next is TNT’s Monday Mornings. As much as I like to give show multiple episodes to prove themselves this one is a rare exception. Even from the commercials, this show seemed unlikable & if you can’t cut together enough sound bytes to make a show look interesting should be a warning sign. I have only seen one episode &  I barely made it through that one. As wonderful as the cast is I didn’t like the characters much,& the tone of the show was so heavy I couldn’t bear a second episode, assuming that if it improved & was around a while I could go back. But apparently I am no the only one with that opinion, I have yet to read a good review & their ratings  have been awful that monday’s episode’s  couldn’t even take advantage of lead in Dallas  soaring ratings dropping  close to 1.6 million viewers. I haven’t heard that’s been cancelled… so far.

Good news is  some of our existing shows, have given us some great episodes, Person of Interest & Elementary just seem to get better each week. This seasons Castle & Once Upon A Time have both been  very exciting.  I was surprised this season (though I always enjoy it) that NCIS is having the one of the best seasons in a few years & I don’t just mean the ratings. the 10-year-old show seems to have a spring in its step this year.

I know for me right now I’m in countdown mode for season 7.5  of  Steven Moffat‘s Dr. Who on March 30th on BBCAmerica. It’s one of the two shows lately that as soon as the season ends I am always impatiently waiting for it’s return. Since the other is Leverage ( Hello TNT we’re still here & not likely to go away anytime soon), The Doctor will have to be enough…for now.